Let’s Talk Sales Tracking
Sales tracking is one of the most important actions you can take in your business to help you understand your current reality when it comes to where you are in business.
For the longest time, I never tracked my monthly numbers on a daily basis. I would do it monthly and hope that I ended up at my goals. In 2016, I made a sheet and started tracking every sale in real time, what my monthly goals was, what was the actual cash into the business, along with my yearly goals and where we were at towards that goal. Sounds scary right? Getting naked and real with where you are for numbers.
I know it certainly made me feel slightly uncomfortable when I first started but as time has gone on it has allowed me to know with great specificity what I need to do from where we are to where we want to be in the business. This awareness has allowed me to spot trends in our numbers and places for improvement. I have done the same thing with our monthly expenses and it has been a game changer so I highly recommend getting real with yourself and understand your numbers in relation to your goals.