The Benefits of Hiring an EA
I used to say to myself constantly that I didn’t need to hire an Executive Assistant because I could handle that work on my own. I was always telling myself, “Oh it’ll only take a minute” and those small few-minute long projects were adding up to hours of time that have been saved by hiring an EA. It’s amazing what a difference that it’s made within my company, freeing up my time from tactical tasks like calendaring, handling posting to my group program, and even just charting the daily numbers.
It took me hiring someone to do all those small jobs to realize just how badly I had needed it and how much time it freed up in my schedule. I was wasting countless hours doing menial jobs like trying to sort through the emails I get each day, as opposed to having my EA do so and make sure that I’m only given information from them that is necessary. Although our EA works more, even if you just hired someone for as little as 5 hours a week you are giving yourself more time. Imagine the sales you could make to pay for an EA if you had an extra empty five hours to work with? Trust me when I tell you how important and business changing it has been to have someone to support me in all the tactical stuff and believe me when I say you could use an Executive Assistant too.