Well Hello 2019!
Who else is ready for 2019? For me personally, I’m excited to see what the new year brings because I’m finally launching my group coaching program that I’ve been working towards for the past 5 years. I have so many wonderful things in store for the program, including giving other business owners a roadmap to success and supporting them in building the business that they want.
In 2018, my company more than doubled in size and in work, and I’m looking to do that again this year. I believe that this will be a year where I cut out some of the noise that I had dealt with last year that had distracted me from the ultimate goals of my business. The noise from my team or from certain clients had forced me to take time away from being the strategist for my company, and in 2019 I want to cut out those distractions and get back to working on delegating so that I can focus on the bigger picture of my company.
I think that this is going to be an amazing year, and I truly believe that it’s possible to go from being the point person (as I was going into 2018) to being able to take a step back and delegate that work so that you can focus on growing your company and be empowered enough to continue crafting your business into exactly what you want it to be. I’m thrilled to see what successes are coming in the new year!