Content Repurposing
Content repurposing – what is it and how can it help take some of the pressure off of you? This is one of the easiest ways to get consistent on social media and save yourself a ton of time and energy. You can make your life a million times easier by taking the macro content that you have created and turning it into 15-20 pieces of micro-content for your social media.
When you take time to create good, valuable macro content, it makes it easy to break it down into smaller pieces to be shared throughout all social media platforms. I suggest taking a two-week break from social media. This may sound contradictory but by taking the time away (and making sure to let your followers know you are doing so) you can take that time to create a month worth of macro content and plan how you are going to cut it down to share in different posts on social media. Creating 3 to 5 blog posts, Youtube videos, or podcast episodes to go off of will allow you to get consistent across the board and give you more fuel for your platforms.
I’m sharing with you the tools to making this all possible on this episode, so this is one you won’t want to miss if you’re struggling to come up with content for social media.