Commitments to Myself
Today’s episode is going to be all about keeping commitments to yourself because this has been a really important message for me personally lately. Today was a crazy day, running from meetings with clients to meetings with my team, to recording podcast episodes. Every morning I map out my day and plan my commitments. One major thing that I’ve been working on has been keeping commitments that I make to myself. For example, I had promised myself that I would take time today to record an episode or two for the podcast, and I almost didn’t get to it.
It can be super easy to push off the commitments that you make to yourself because you’re the only one holding yourself accountable for them. Who would know if you pushed off a personal commitment to a goal for a day, a week, or a month? I know that we all fall into the cycle of “I’ll do it tomorrow”, but it’s super important that we keep the commitments that we’ve made to ourselves. Pushing off these things is not going to get us where we want to go! I personally have fallen victim to this and have been putting off doing certain things because I was overcommitting myself, and then let the personal commitments fall by the wayside.
I’ve decided to stop the cycle of overcommitting and not getting my commitments to myself completed. My advice is to make a list of 3 things that are non-negotiable for the day so that way you stop pushing off the things that you need to do for yourself or your business. Be intentional about your work, slow down on taking on too much at once, and really make sure you are honoring your commitments to yourself as well. If you take this advice, you’ll thank me for it later!