Let’s dive deep into repurposing content!
As a busy online entrepreneur, keeping up with social media can be a drag. It can literally feel like a hamster wheel, a treadmill, a marathon that you simply can’t keep up with. I want you to know it can be simple when you repurpose content. I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent so much time sitting there at four o’clock in the afternoon thinking, Oh my goodness, what am I going to post today? Today I want to share with you my process that I use internally and that we teach in our social made simple class it is all about repurposing content.
How to repurpose content:
Here’s the thing, if you are tired of sitting there at five o’clock wondering, what the heck am I going to post today, this is for you. I want to end the craziness when it comes to creating content and posting on social media. I want you to think of content in two ways so that you can learn to repurpose your content..
Macro content & micro content:
Macro Content is content that is longer form such as a podcast, youtube video, facebook live or blog. It has a loner lifespan like days, weeks, months and sometimes even years. The reason it has a long life span is because it is SEO friendly.
Micro Content which is shorter in form and typically is social media post, instagram stories, Short form content that has a lifespan of hours or maybe days.
When you think about macro content, you can take macro content and turn it into micro content very simply and very, very, very easily. What I want you to do is I want you to think about what type of macro content you want to create. That could be a podcast, it can be a Facebook live, it can be a YouTube, or it could be just a prerecorded video on your iPhone. There are so many different options. Those are long form macro content.
I really enjoy creating videos and creating podcasts and it is relatively easy/natural for me to do those things. and so it’s very, very easy If you’re somebody who likes to write, don’t hesitate to think about using the macro content in the form of a blog. If that comes more naturally to you. The most important thing is to create this one awesome piece of macro content. This one awesome piece of macro content is the basis for all of the other content that you were going to create for the rest of the week. So for me, I will put my time and effort and energy into creating one really awesome YouTube video like this or one really awesome podcast.
From there we take that podcast or that YouTube video or that Facebook live, and then we’d go ahead and get it transcribed. An eight to 12 minute video will result in four to six pages depending upon how quickly you speak. That is a ton of content for you to actually be able to create other social media content from. From one podcast or YouTube, we will create three quote cards, two prompts or questions, three long form posts, two short form posts, one post about this specific piece that we are doing typically with some sort of wave or promotional file a blog and an email.
There are two different softwares that we use to get it transcribed,
Temi, which is 10 cents a minute, and it’s done with a computer. So it’s not always super accurate. You do have to spend some time cleaning it up or alternatively you can use rev.
Rev is a dollar a minute, but it comes out much cleaner because it’s done by a human being.
For me, we have tested both and Temi transcriptions come out really, really well, given the way in which I deliver my content. I can then spend 10 – 15 minutes and clean it up and put it into a blog post and clean it up as well as turn it into an email.
All of my effort throughout the week goes into creating this long form macro content that I can repurpose. When you start creating macro content to repurpose, you don’t just have to use it on that one macro content platform. For example, if you are watching this video, you can then take this YouTube video and also put it on your podcast as an episode. You can also take a Facebook live and upload it to YouTube and then take that same Facebook live and upload it to a podcast. Don’t feel trapped to just having to create one piece of macro content for each platform.
So many clients say to me, “well Jamie, won’t my people follow me on all my platforms.” Not typically. Most people are actually committed to whichever platforms they follow. So you’ll notice Instagram people are Instagram people, Facebook people are Facebook people, YouTube people are YouTube people and so on and so forth.
Micro-content post graphics for repurposing I love using Canva. It’s awesome because the software auto-resizes everything for each of the different platforms that you’re using. So it’ll resize say a quote graphic for Pinterest. It will resize a quote graphic for Facebook and for Instagram and for LinkedIn. It becomes really easy to create the correct size graphics for all the different platforms that you’re using. The other piece I like about it is that you can create templates and quote graphics that are consistent with your brand, then simply duplicate them. It saves you tons and tons of time and tons of tons of energy when it comes to creating those graphics.
When I am in the micro-content phase of repurposing, I always pull all the social media content first and put it into the 2020 social media spreadsheet (you can grab your own copy here). I always separate out the two tasks text/copy and then graphic creation and photo selection. I’ll get that all mapped out and I get that all put into the social media template. From there, I then go into Canva and create all the graphics at one time and then link those up with the content that I have in the spreadsheet. We have an awesome Canva tutorial that we’ve done HERE on YouTube.
If you need to take a social media break to make this content repurposing happen, go ahead and do it. I give you the permission to do it because this process of repurposing content will be a game changer for you if you can actually get it implemented.
It’s like going to the gym. The more you do it, the more that you’ll be comfortable doing it. So I highly recommend giving yourself a break. Tell your followers, Hey, I’m taking a week from social media so I can get more strategic about my posting. Then just go ahead and get that stuff done. I’m a huge fan of time blocking. I love time blocking time on Mondays or Wednesdays to just bang out three or four YouTube videos at a time or podcasts at a time.
That is how you can really start to scale this up and scale it up quickly.
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