I am super pumped to bring you guys ninja tips on email marketing! Email marketing is one of the few things you sorta own in the online space, well, technically speaking you are leasing the email addresses but get my drift. However, it is a huge part of marketing your business and if you are going to be successful email is one element of that. So let’s dive in to the email marketing ninja tips:
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 1 – Make Subject Lines Catchy
The whole point of creating emails for people to read is null and void if you can’t get them to open up the email! Crafting the right subject line will make all of the difference. My favorite book for getting the basics of writing copy that sells is How to Write Copy That Sells
The biggest challenge with subject lines is to tap into the emotions of your ideal client and really get to the root of the problem that they have. Surely, no small task in under 41 characters. I am a big fan of testing different formulas of subject line to see which converts best. Many email marketing softwares also allow split testing of different subject lines. It doesn’t matter what is inside the email if they do not open it up. So get creative with those subject lines.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 2 – Show Value and Connect with Your Audience
This is the year of showing up authentically and connecting with your audience. I talked about this a bit more extensively earlier this year in my 2020 Marketing Predictions Video. It’s so important to create high quality, value-driven content that actually connects with your audience. Say goodbye to perfection and being robotic. No fakers allowed! It is so incredibly important to be real, raw, authentic and YOU! Let you amazing personality shine through and give your audience that amazing content you have to offer.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 3 – Create One Clear Call to Action Per Email
All too often I see people link to all of their social media, book a call, the sales page, and ALL THE OPTIONS. This is a bad idea for two reasons,
- People who are reading don’t know what to click aka get overwhelmed
- Too many links in email marketing means it is more likely to be marked as spam
When you have more than one click, link or call to action in your email marketing efforts you have zero idea what is working and what is no. My advice, is this, one link and one call to action per email. That’s it. That one hyper clear call to action per email will change the game for your business.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 4 – Keep Emails Plain and Conversational
What exactly does it mean to keep emails plain and conversation? Oftentimes it can be really, really tempting to load up your email marketing efforts with like beautiful graphics and all sorts of like fun images. I’m here to tell you don’t do it. Keep it plain, keep it simple and include one link. Why do I say this? It’s becoming more and more challenging to get your emails in the primary folder vs the promotional one. More and more email providers are cracking down on the content that shows up in the primary folder.
Create a text based email and do not include any images or if you must include only one. The more images that you put in the email, the more likely that you’re going to get marked as spam and we don’t want that. We want those emails to get opened. Keep them plain and keep them conversational. I like to think of email as a conversation. For example, I will often include, “Hey, first name, what do you think?”This personalizes the email and keeps it conversational.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 5 – Limit the Number of Emails Sent Per Week
The average worker receives 121 emails per day. That’s over 600 emails per week. That’s insane. So what does that mean for you? You do not want to be sending two, three, four, five emails a day. That means two to three emails per week, max (unless you are in a launch). I highly recommend that when somebody signs up for your email list as part of the nurture sequence, set the expectation around how many times they’re going to be hearing from you each and every week.
This helps set expectations and avoid extra opt-outs. Limit the number of emails that you send and you’ll see that your open rates and your click through rates might actually increase. Sounds counterintuitive, but you want that quality content to get to prospective clients. I highly recommend sending two emails per week. If you’re in a launch, of course that’s a different story, but on a regular basis, one to two emails per week is plenty.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 6 – Content Marketing Strategy
Let’s talk content marketing strategy. But I know you are probably thinking, “Jamie, what is a content marketing strategy? Why do I need one?” Great question and thank you for asking. Having a content marketing strategy is a game changer for both you and your community. A content marketing strategy is when you are mapping out multiple pieces of macro content over a period of time, whether that’s a month, two months, three months. I’m a huge believer in setting up your marketing plan quarterly because when you are marketing your business, you only want to have one big sales initiative or push per quarter. When you have a content marketing strategy in place this will allow you to create content that leads up to said launch or said promotion that you are doing. When you map out a content strategy, you will then have a cohesive content map that takes clients on a journey with a very strategic intent.
Now this can become a little overwhelming when you first get started with a content marketing calendar and a content marketing strategy. But once you have it in place, you’ll find that it’s a lot easier to create cohesive content that all flows together. When you have more strategic intent with the initiatives that you’re taking, it’s a game changer for your business
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 7 – Make Emails Mobile Friendly
According to recent research, there are going to be nearly 5 Billion people who are going to be mobile centric by the year 2025 meaning 5 billion mobile internet users. What does that mean for you? That means that your email marketing efforts have to be designed for mobile device consumption because people are using mobile devices more and more for consuming content.
If your email marketing strategy is not mobile friendly, then you’re gonna be losing lots of people out of the gate simply because it’s not designed how they are consuming the content. On many email marketing platforms, it’s really easy to do because you can create a mobile friendly version.
Email Marketing Ninja Tip 8 – Measure, Monitor, and Track You Data
If you are not tracking your data when it comes to your email marketing, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. I am a huge data tracker and I love being able to look at open rates, click-throughs, times sent and which subject lines converted the best. I take all of this information and track it over time so that I can see and spot trends.
When you track data you can make informed decisions about your business.
I hope you enjoyed my 8 email marketing ninja tips. If you have questions don’t hesitate to comment below.
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