Habit Creation For Entrepreneurs Part 1
Today’s video is all about habit creation for entrepreneurs. Good habits are absolutely critical to success. When we dive into business ownership, I have found over the years that many of my clients didn’t realize all of the hats that they would ultimately have to wear. It can feel like at times you are being pulled into a million directions but that is ultimately the reason why you must create good habits as an entrepreneur.
If you are wanting to build a business that’s going to grow and scale to multi six figures or seven figures you have to create really good habits and you have to get consistent. The fact of the matter is that if your business is always growing, they’re always going to be places where you have to continue to do work. A big part of this video is inspired by the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.
When I begin to think about habit creation for entrepreneurs there are two sides for me; the personal side and the business side. I believe that it is important to make sure you tend to the personal side of yourself so that you can show up as the best version of yourself in business. I often get pushback on this from clients because they “don’t have the time.” I believe that you have to make the time.
Habits are activities that you don’t even have to think about doing. They are automatic. Over time they will become part of your identity. For example if you work out 5 days a week that habit over time will make you athletic. Another example would be if you were to meditate every day, eventually you’ve meditated enough to become a meditator.
Take a moment to think about the different habits that you have in your business. An example for me might be that I could say that I’ve been creating YouTube Videos long enough that I am now a YouTuber. I always like to brainstorm what are the habits that I want to create and cultivate in my life, both from a personal perspective and from a business perspective.
Once I have mapped out the habits I want to integrate into my life then I have to figure out where those habits will fit into my schedule. I always start by carving out the time on my calendar. Because, I don’t know about you but if it is not on my calendar it doesn’t exist! Blocking the time sets me up for success.
Now one of the techniques that I loved from Atomic Habits was Clear’s habit stacking. Basically you stack a new habit on top of an old habit so that it becomes easier to implement.
For example, I get up and make myself a cup of coffee every morning, that is a perfect opportunity for me to create a habit stack. I could drink a glass of water and then take a vitamin for example. When you habit stack it eliminates the mind’s ability to talk you out of doing something. Come on, it’s happened to you too. You know when you have this great idea to work out but something in your mind pops up and gets you to check instagram instead and before you know it all the time you allotted to work out has now been used to go down the instagram rabbit hole. Yup, it’s happened to me too. Habit stacking will help you to eliminate the distraction.
Once you have the calendar mapped out then I want to you to systematize the process that you will go through each time you do this habit. This is especially important on the business side, for example when you record a youtube video. What are all the steps you must take to complete that task? Create a system so that on days when you are struggling you can always fall back on the process while still keeping the habit in tack. You want the habit to become automatic, and when it becomes automatic, you know you’re going to do it like clockwork, even on days when it’s hard. Ultimately that is the goal when it comes to habit creation for entrepreneurs.
Part two coming on Thursday so stay tuned!
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