Manage Client Expectations – Create a Communications Policy for Your Business
A few episodes ago, I talked about how you can limit the number of distractions that you have daily. Along with that, one of the things that I had talked about was managing client communication. I’ve had several people ask me since that episode what a communication policy for clients is, why they need it, and why it’s so important to your business. Some people even wanted me to share mine with them!
One of my goals on the podcast is to help you learn from the mistakes that I’ve made along the way. I love using myself as a test case, and I’m always trying out new techniques from a marketing perspective and putting myself out there in different ways. One mistake that I made early in my career was that I had no communication policy for clients. This started to become a challenge as I grew the business because they had the expectation that I was going to respond immediately, no matter what time or where they messaged me. I felt like I wasn’t in a place where I could say no to any new business because I wanted to continue expanding. I was saying yes to every client! Along the way, I figured out that not every client is a good fit for my company and having boundaries in place is actually better for the clients, for my business, and for the relationships that I have.
Creating expectations around communication can help to let your clients know what to expect when they contact you and vice versa. I think that it goes both ways when you’re creating rules around communication because it also allows clients to know what they can expect when working with you. It sets a timeline for how quickly they should anticipate an answer so that they’re not checking their email every few minutes and wondering why they haven’t heard anything. Let’s dive into the parameters around setting up a client communication policy together!
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